Transport Plus Privacy Policy

Who we are:

TBW is a Technology firm that strives to create genuine value for users. Our goal is to use Technology to create a Better World. That is why we only employ the most advanced and innovative engineering and problem solving techniques to deliver exceptional services to the public.

What personal data do we collect. and why we collect it:

– Name, Email, Phone Number, Address.

When user adds registers without our application, we only collect the minimum required information to allow you to request a transportation ride. We store this information in our Amazon account which is fully secured and approved by Amazon as the preferred storage location and method.

The collected information is ONLY used to facilitate requesting a new transportation ride to make the interaction with our application more friendly and personal. The information is NOT used in any other way, and is deleted once the user deletes their account.

Who we share your data with:

We do NOT share your data with anyone nor use it in any other way than what is described above

How long we retain your data:

The data is only retained for the length of the application usage and is deleted once a user deletes their account.

What rights you have over your data:

If you are using our application, you can request to receive an exported file of the personal data we hold about you, including any data you have provided to us. You can also request that we erase any personal data we hold about you. This does not include any data we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes.